Friday, January 25, 2008

Update, January 25th

Kelley is still in hospital, but white cell count is down (which is good). She may be moving into an intermediate physical therapy ward for a little while before coming home. Kelleys pain issues have been so intense she is now getting daily visits from the pain mgt team, and they are aggressively working to get things under control. Kelley is at the point where she would like to receive visitors. It helps relieve the boredom and distract her from the discomfort she feels. So please do try to stop by, she would really enjoy having contact with her friends. You should call her ahead of time to check in and let her know when you plan to come. She is in the Trauma nursing unit currently, room 1113 I think (but you can check in and verify at the hospital. Probably be good to visit between hours of 9 and 6. Thanks, Sue

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